Kinesis Freestyle2 Ergonomic Keyboard w VIP3 Lifters for Mac 9 Separation並行輸入品
商品情報 Left and Right V-Lifters: the V-lifter quickly and easily alternates the slope of the keyboard from 10 to 15 degrees, positioning your forearms and wrists in a more comfortable position by reducing pronation. ?Integrated, padded palm supports ensures that wrists are neutral while resting. ?Use with or without the pivot/tether. The pivot tether connects the two keying modules of the Solo keyboard together. Disconnect the pivot tether if greater separation is required. ?Provides a highly stable typing platform with no "bounce" この度は当店をお選びいただきありがとうございます。この商品は、弊社の海外倉庫に保管をしておりますためお届けに5営業日〜14営業日程日数をいただいております。国内倉庫に保管されている場合は2〜3営業日で出荷いたします。また、海外からの輸送中に外箱等に多少の傷や折れが生じる場合や日本到着時に税関にて開封される場合がございますが、新品・未使用品ですので商品に問題はございません。あらかじめご了承いただけますようお願い申し上げます。
Left and Right V-Lifters: the V-lifter quickly and easily alternates the slope of the keyboard from 10 to 15 degrees, positioning your forearms and wrists in a more comfortable position by reducing pronation. ?Integrated, padded palm supports ensures that wrists are neutral while resting. ?Use with or without the pivot/tether. The pivot tether connects the two keying modules of the Solo keyboard together. Disconnect the pivot tether if greater separation is required. ?Provides a highly stable typing platform with no "bounce"