
Digital Label Applications

Meet digital solutions that will reset your operational processes in case of price and shelf changes while enabling you to create remarkable departments in new generation markets and stores!

Digital Transformation in Stores!

Digital Labels are special products designed in different sizes and variations.

You can share product image, price tag, product barcode, shelf life and any detail you want with Digital label applications to be applied to shelf areas.

You can promote your products with special animation works for your products even in limited areas you have.

Advanced system Integrations

en-_alternatif ekran
en-_merkezi yönetim
en__fiyat degisikligi
en-_uzun omurlu
en-_modern magaza
Remarkable Rayons

You can make remarkable product presentations with unusual dynamic shelves. You will take your service quality one step further with its stylish store ambiance.

Instant Price Update

With cloud-based management, you can update your content from a single center at any time.


By using paper printing and other operations, you can save money for the environment and your organization.

Long-Lasting Use

Long-lasting use with high-resolution professional screens with 24/7 50,000 hours of working life

central management

Screen management from any point you are with Digital Signage infrastructure

Mobil Etkileşim

QR code ya da ürün barkod paylaşımı sayesinde mobil uygulamalarınızdan ürünlere ulaşılmasını sağlayabilirsiniz.

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We are ready to bring you together with our sectoral experience!

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