和名のユーカリは、属名の英語読み「ユーカリプタス」を短縮したもの。 学名の語源は「良い蓋」を意味するギリシア語をラテン語化したものです。 蕾のガクと花弁が合着して蓋状となること、あるいは乾燥地でもよく育って大地を緑で被うことに由来して命名されたとされています。 オーストラリア先住民アボリジニは傷を癒すのに葉を利用してきました。 葉から取れる精油は殺菌作用や抗炎症作用、鎮痛・鎮静作用があるとされ、医薬品やアロマテラピーなどに用いられています。 命力の豊かな植物で、山火事にあって下部が焦げてもダメージを受けず、たくましく成長することから、古くから再生の象徴とされてきました。 ユーカリには大変多くの品種があり、オーストラリアにもともと生えていた木は大半がユーカリの仲間であったといわれています。 The Japanese name ’Yu-kari’ is a shortened version of the English genus name "eucalyptus". The etymology of this scientific name is a Latin adaptation of the Greek word which means "good lid". It is said that the name comes from the fact that the calyx a type of buds and petals join together to form a lid shape or the fact that it grows well even in dry areas and covers the earth with greenery. Aboriginal Australians have used the leaves to heal wounds. Essential oil taken from the leaves is said to have bactericidal anti-inflammatory analgesic and sedative effects and is used in medicine and aromatherapy. Eucalyptus is a plant with abundant vitality and even if the lower part of it is scorched in a forest fire it can get no damage and grows vigorously. Therefore it has been regarded as a symbol of rebirth since ancient times. There are many varieties of eucalyptus and it is said that most of the trees that originally grew in Australia were members of the eucalyptus family. ◆ユーカリ(Eucalyptus) 産地:オーストラリア産 サイズ:約10mm前後 重さ:約14.0g 内周サイズ:約17.5-18.0cm ◆お取り扱いについて 天然の木を使っております。 水やお湯などに浸さないようにしてください。 また、極度の湿気、乾燥した場所に保管しないでください。 香水などの使用はお控えください。変色や傷みの原因になります。
The Japanese name ’Yu-kari’ is a shortened version of the English genus name "eucalyptus".
The etymology of this scientific name is a Latin adaptation of the Greek word which means "good lid".
It is said that the name comes from the fact that the calyx a type of buds and petals join together to form a lid shape or the fact that it grows well even in dry areas and covers the earth with greenery.
Aboriginal Australians have used the leaves to heal wounds. Essential oil taken from the leaves is said to have bactericidal anti-inflammatory analgesic and sedative effects and is used in medicine and aromatherapy.
Eucalyptus is a plant with abundant vitality and even if the lower part of it is scorched in a forest fire it can get no damage and grows vigorously.
Therefore it has been regarded as a symbol of rebirth since ancient times. There are many varieties of eucalyptus and it is said that most of the trees that originally grew in Australia were members of the eucalyptus family.
⚠大切なご案内⚠ 必ずお読み下さい。